What You Need to Know About FY2024 Federal Monitoring Reviews

The start of the new program year is here, and with it comes a new federal monitoring review season. During the last few years, there have been changes to content and format of reviews, due in large part to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here, we talk about what’s the same, what might be different, and how your program can prepare for a FY2024 federal monitoring review.

CLASS and Coaching: Valuable Tools to Support Continuous Program Improvement

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Head Start/Early Head Start programs have taken unprecedented steps to provide compliant, high quality programs for children and families. There have been health and safety mandates, guidelines, and protocols to implement, all while programs navigate the day-to-day with a shrinking workforce.

FY2022 HS/EHS Monitoring Process Brings Updates to Format and Focus

The 2021-2022 program year is the third program year impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and Head Start/Early Head Start monitoring processes have been adapted with the changing circumstances. Focus Area 1 and Focus Area 2 reviews took place virtually during the 2020-2021 program year, and CLASS reviews were suspended.

2021-2022 program year reviews will return to some sense of “normal,” and there are notable changes for programs anticipating a review. These changes are described in a July 27, 2021 Information Memorandum (IM) from the Office of Head Start (OHS).

OHS Provides Updates on DRS Round 9 Forecasts and Timing

On Thursday, the Office of Head Start (OHS) hosted a webinar to discuss the recent changes to DRS and provide information about next steps. For grantees expecting to compete in DRS this fall (Round 9), important updates on process and timing were shared. First, many...

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