On April 29, 2016, the Office of Head Start (OHS) held a webinar to share more information about ACF-PI-HS-16-02 – Supplemental Funds Available to Extend Duration of Services in Head Start and Early Head Start. The webinar was recorded and is available for download in the Head Start Enterprise System (HSES), accessible to individuals with access to HSES.  If you weren’t able to participate on the webinar, here are a few of our main takeaways –

Programs expected to be in the next round of Designation Renewal System are still eligible to apply for Duration Funds. Remember, Duration funds are not competitive. In other words, if you are eligible and meet the criteria with adequate justification your program will likely receive funding.

Duration funding is focused specifically on hours children are served. It was noted on the webinar the funding is only enough to bring Head Start (HS) and Early Head Start (EHS) programs up to 40% of their slots meeting the annual hours requirement. This is important, because if you apply for funding to bring more than 40% of your slots up to the annual hours then it may not be approved. Programs can also apply for start-up funding as part of Duration. There is a tab in the HSES that shows HS and EHS grantees where their current percent of slots stands based on Program Information Report (PIR) data (it was suggested that you contact your Regional Office if you find your program’s information is incorrect).

As noted in the announcement about the Duration Funds and on the webinar, it is suggested you speak to your Regional Program Officer to discuss whether you will apply for funding and ask any questions. Your Regional Program Officer will be able to address your questions since Duration funding is non-competitive.  Additionally, resources related to Duration funds are available on ECLKC, along with key decision points for programs to consider.

Check back soon.  We’ll share any new information as it’s learned!

Thank you.

Contact Us

We have successfully worked with agencies in every round of recompetition to write winning grants, design competitive programs, confirm prudent budgets, and plan for a manageable start-up period.  Contact Amy Augenblick, Executive Director, at (703) 599-4329 or [email protected] to learn about how we can help.

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